Sunday, January 31, 2016


Topic 1: Greek Mythology - Olympian Gods I've always been very intrigued by Greek mythology. We were required to take a mythology class in high school and I always really enjoyed learning about all of the gods and goddesses. One way I thought I could spin my storybook would be to pick a few Olympian gods and put them on a game show where they competed against each other to see who was the "Ultimate Greek God". 

Research So Far: Olympian Gods I've found a site through the links provided that gives a pretty good description of each god and goddess, as well as some background information and pictures.

Topic 2: Constellations Another thing I've always been fascinated by, but never really got the chance to study is constellations. I've always wanted to take an astronomy class, but one wasn't required for my major so I never got around to taking one. Since I do fly, everything about the sky and outer space is so interesting to me. I would love to visit space someday and learning about the stars just intensifies my desire to do so. I'm not sure how I would set up my storybook for this one quite yet.

Research So Far: Constellations Storybook. I did find a storybook from a previous semester that someone has done over constellations and I looked through that. 

Topic 3: Egyptian Myth I know a lot about what the Bible says of how the earth and animals were created, but I thought it would be interesting to do a storybook over a different culture's views on that. The history of Egypt has always caught my eye, the little that I know of it, but what I've read so far has been very interesting.

Research So Far: Egyptian Myth The story in the UN-Textbook goes through the different gods and the beginning of it all.

Topic 4: Icarus It just so happens that I really enjoy flying and the history behind it, as I'm sure anyone that has read my introduction is aware of. I've heard briefly of the story of Icarus and I would love to do a storybook over flying. I'm sure there are tons of great mythology stories over flying, I've just yet to run across them. I think I would really enjoy doing a storybook over different mythology stories of flying.

Research So Far: Wikipedia has some good information over Icarus and his story.

(The Flight of Icarus, Jacob Peter Gowy)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Week 2 Storytelling: Monster-In-Law

Our story begins with a girl by the name of Penny. She wasn't your ordinary girl. Penny had a beauty that was unmatched, some would even say goddess-like. Penny had two older sisters that were also very beautiful young women, but their beauty was no match for Penny's. Her sister's had both recently married very wealthy and powerful men, but Penny had yet to find a husband. Her parents and sisters had put a lot of pressure on her to find someone of status, but Penny wanted something more. Penny wanted a love that you only hear in stories and dream about.

As Penny grew into a young woman, her beauty intensified. Bachelor's became infatuated by her allure and news began to spread of the gorgeous young bachelorette. Although most found her looks intriguing, there was one in particular who was not impressed. The news of Penny had spread like wildfire and a woman by the name of Vicky had overheard her son, Casey, and two other young men discussing the young siren. Vicky was overcome with fury. She thought this day would never come. She sat and pondered the thought of losing her son. She decided that she would do everything in her power to make sure that Casey and Penny would never have a chance. Vicky called one of her close friends and began to spread a rumor that Penny was pregnant out of wedlock and that her family was a disgrace. Word spread quickly, and Penny's family was humiliated. Even though the rumors were false, the damage was done. They decided to take Penny to one of their vacation homes up in the mountains until things settled down. Her parents worried about her being all alone and decided to arrange a secret marriage. They found a promising young man that agreed to the secret marriage, but he asked for one favor. Penny nor anyone else could ever be made aware of his identity. He would be by her side every night, love her, provide for her, keep her safe, but before dawn he would leave and not return until nightfall. They accepted and the two wed.

At first Penny was petrified about the marriage arrangement, but after the first few days she fell in love. She didn't understand how she could feel so deeply for someone that she had never even seen, but she did nonetheless. It wasn't long before Penny's sisters found out about her secret marriage and they insisted on seeing her. Penny begged her husband to let her sister's visit and at first he resisted, but he eventually gave in to her demands. Although, he did warn her, "Penny, your sisters will try to trick you into revealing my identity. If you make that mistake I will leave your side and never return and you will live out your days in lonesome misery." Penny assured her husband she would never betray him and made arrangements for her sisters arrival. 

Her sisters arrived and immediately began to question Penny. They demanded to know the identity of her husband, how he provided for her, and any other details they could think of. Penny quickly created a false identity for her husband, handed them gifts, and sent them on their way. The sisters sensed that something wasn't right in the relationship and began to plot their younger sister's demise.

Weeks later the sisters made a second trip to see their sister. Casey, again, reminded Penny that her sisters were trouble and that she must not disobey his wishes and reveal his identity. Penny, again, assured Casey that she would never betray him. Her sisters started with the usual small talk, but the conversation eventually turned to a more serious manner. They again questioned the identity of Penny's husband. Penny quickly made up another false identity and attempted to change the subject. Her sisters didn't buy into her story, and claimed that she didn't even know the identity of her own husband. Then, they began to tell lies of a dreadful man that had been spotted nearby her home. A deceitful and cunning man, that only meant her harm. They began to convince Penny that this man was her husband, and she started to believe it to be true. Her sisters advised her to hide a knife nearby at night, as well as a flashlight. They told her to take this man's life with the blade, but only after revealing his identity with the flashlight. She agreed and sent her sisters on their way.

The sun had set and Penny had her plan set. Just as her husband fell asleep she grabbed the flashlight and turned it to him, she then gasped in utter dismay. Before her very eyes was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Shaking with fear she accidentally dropped the flashlight and awakened Casey. He was outraged. He reminded her of his warning and immediately fled the scene. Penny was distraught. She headed directly to her sisters for comfort. Her sisters welcomed her warmly until they realized why she had come to visit. She told them of her mistake, and how wrong they were about her husband. Her sisters then revealed the truth behind their intentions.

Meanwhile, word had made it back to Vicky about what happened. Vicky was livid. All of her fears had come true. Vicky sought out her son, and unleashed her wrath. She scolded her son, but saved her fury for Penny. Vicky then set out to locate Penny, all the while Penny was already searching for Casey to beg for his forgiveness. Penny decided to go to Vicky in hopes that she might get a glimpse of Casey one last time. Just as Vicky had started to threaten Penny, Casey intervened. Vicky saw a new side of Casey that day. He had finally taken a stance against his mother for something he believed in. He told his mother, "You can threaten and complain all you want mother, but it won't make a bit of difference. I've finally found someone that loves me for who I am, and I'm not willing to let that go so easily. Penny and I are in love and you can either support us and be a part of our lives, or you can spend the rest of your days in solitude." Vicky eventually came around and supported the two love birds. Although, there will always be tension in a mother-in-law, daughter-in-law relationship.

(Cupid and Psyche, by M. Simoncini)

Author's Note: Basically Cupid and Psyche is a strange and interesting love story. In a world of gods and goddesses there is a mortal girl who has immortal beauty, her name is Psyche. Her beauty does not go unnoticed and Venus, the goddess of beauty and also Cupid's mother, learns of Psyche's beauty and becomes jealous. Venus sends her son to make sure Psyche ends up living a miserable life, but Cupid has an idea of his own. Cupid secretly marries Psyche, but Psyche has to promise to never learn of his identity. Psyche  ends up betraying Cupid and uncovers his identity. In the end though, they are publicly married and Psyche becomes the goddess of the soul. After reading Cupid and Psyche this week I decided that I wanted to give it a modern, comical twist to make it a little more relatable. Everyone knows mother-in-law relationships usually tend to be an issue for the wife in a new marriage. I thought it would be funny to make Vicky (Venus) a jealous mother-in-law. Penny (Psyche) and Casey (Cupid) would fall in love in a similar way, but I removed all of the gods, goddesses, suicides, and unrealistic aspects from the story to make it fit into a more modern day, real life setting.

Bibliography: This story is based on the love story Cupid and Psyche, from the Roman novel, The Golden Ass, by Apuleius, translated by Tony Kline.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary, continued: Cupid and Psyche

Apuleius's Golden Ass, as translated into English by Tony Kline (2013).

  • A bird goes to sea to tell Venus that her son is in pain and in love with Psyche
  • Venus is outraged and goes to Cupid to scold him
  • Venus searches for Psyche to seek vengeance while Psyche looks for Cupid
  • Psyche asks Ceres for help, but is turned away
  • She then asks Juno for help, who also turns her away
  • Psyche plans to surrender to Venus
  • Venus has Mercury issue a reward for anyone that turns Psyche over to her
  • Venus beats Psyche and then punishes her with chores
  • Each chore gets worse and worse until Venus sends her to the underworld
  • Psyche makes it back with beauty from Proserpine 
  • She opened the jar, she was warned not to, and it was sleep that overcame her
  • Cupid, finally healed, flew to her side and wiped the sleep away
  • Psyche turned immortal and they were married and had a daughter, Pleasure

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary: Cupid and Psyche

Apuleius's Golden Ass, as translated into English by Tony Kline (2013).

  • Venus wants her son, Cupid, to make Psyche fall in love with someone awful out of jealousy
  • Apollo predicts an awful fate for Psyche
  • She is taken to a cliff and left for her awful fate
  • She is taken, by Zephyr, to a beautiful palace
  • Her new husband won't reveal his identity
  • She begs to see her sisters
  • Her sisters become jealous and want to take everything away from Psyche
  • Cupid warns her that her sisters will try to trick her
  • Psyche listens to her sisters and betrays Cupid revealing his identity
  • Cupid leaves Psyche
  • Psyche goes to her sisters
  • Her sisters commit suicide in hopes that Cupid will marry them

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Learning Challenges

The topics that interest me the most are time management/procrastination for school and work. I think we all struggle with procrastination. Also happiness/health and empathy are topics in life that interest me as well. 

Time management is always an issue in our lives. The one thing everyone learns in college is time management. As a young adult I find myself constantly trying to figure out how I'm going to balance sleep, classes, studying, work, eating well, exercising, maintaining relationships, and having a social life. It's a difficult task, especially when you question at times if you're just wasting your life away to get by. Obviously we all have obligations, but we need to remember to save some time for our ourselves. Set some time aside to do the things we enjoy doing, but are not obligated to do.

When it comes to happiness and health I think these go hand in hand. When you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside. I know I'm always trying to eat healthier and work out more, but sometimes it's very difficult. It's so easy to eat unhealthy when you have all these fast options that are open around the clock. I'm always happiest when I feel good inside and out, and that's something I know I'll always have to work on.
Empathy is a big one as well. I've noticed that most people are so quick to judge others and voice their opinions of how they think others should live their lives. I'm not perfect either, but one thing I've always tried to work on is putting myself in others shoes before making any judgements. Sometimes it's a hard thing to do, but I think it's something we should all work on.

I think this picture has a good message. We all get caught up on what has already happened or whats to come, but we need to enjoy what's happening right now in our lives.

Growth Mindset

Before this assignment I had never heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset, but I definitely agree with some of the things she had to say. 
When it comes to doing things I enjoy I don't mind a challenge. When it's something I don't necessarily enjoy or I'm not interested in then I'm more inclined to give up and say that I don't understand it. I've always been a very visual and hands on type of learner. I have to be given examples or have someone guide me through the steps to really grasp a concept. Though, once I understand the process I have it down. I'm not an auditory learner at all, never have been. Explaining something to me by talking will not work. You can tell me how to do something one hundred times, but I won't understand it until I actually see it taking place.
I definitely look forward to learning more about the growth mindset this semester. I think that it's something that is needed desperately in our society right now. In middle school and high school we are taught how to take tests and we learn exactly what is on those tests. We don't actually learn much of anything that will help us in the future because the schools and administrators are worried about test scores. If the test scores are bad they're jobs could be at risk. It's a messed up system, but I think there is a way to fix it. Carol Dweck has some great ideas when it comes to the Growth Mindset and I'm looking forward to learning more this semester.

I like this image because none of us like to be uncomfortable, but if we don't ever step out of our comfort zone we won't get to experience and enjoy life.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Storybook Favorites

Picking three storybooks from the hundreds available was a difficult task! There were so many different types over so many different topics. The three that really caught my eye were "I Was A Teenage Mythological Creature", "Greek Goddesses on Trial", and "Fairytale Case Files".

I thought the game show idea in the storybook, I Was A Teenage Mythological Creature, was a very interesting and new way to present mythological creatures. I would've never thought to present mythological creatures in this way, but it makes sense. Pitting these creatures against each other is an excellent way not only get to know each character individually, but also connecting them all in a sense. Sharing their diary posts makes it more personal, which makes it easier for the audience to relate to the characters.

I also like the idea of putting goddesses on trial like in the storybook, Greek Goddesses on Trial. It's a very comical way to tell the stories of these Greek goddesses "crimes". Another interesting idea was to have the court scribe tell the story. It's like you are actually in the courtroom witnessing the trial, instead of reading it like a typical book in paragraph format.

I opened the Fairytale Case Files storybook because of the words "Case Files". I used to love watching shows such as Cold Case Files and Snapped, so I thought from the title that this storybook would probably be one I would enjoy. Turns out I was right. Yet another interesting way to go about sharing the stories of old fairy tales. Using a detective and making it a mystery type of story already grabs my attention. I mean, who doesn't like a good mystery?

Another storybook I liked, mostly because it involved flying, was Delays and Layovers: Trials of Travel. I would really like to associate my storybook with flying in some way.

UnTextbook Overview

For Week 2, one of the units that caught my eye was Cupid and Psyche. We've all been made aware of cupid growing up, but all I was ever really taught about him was that he shot arrows to make people fall in love. I thought it would be interesting to read the story that started it all.

Looking ahead at all of the units, I did find four that I thought might be interesting to read about.

The first one I noticed was Alice In Wonderland. Everybody is familiar with Alice In Wonderland. There were numerous children's books and movies I recall reading and watching as a kid, but I've never actually read the "real" story.

Another one I noticed was Dante's Inferno. I've heard that this was a really good story, from people throughout the years, but I never really knew what it was. Reading the overview I knew instantly I would enjoy it. How descriptive he is about his complete journey through Hell. I can't wait to read this one!

One more that caught my eye was Egyptian Myth. I've always been fascinated by the Egyptian culture, hieroglyphics, pyramids, etc. I also think this one will be a very interesting read.

Lastly, Robin Hood. Another story everyone is familiar with due to movies and passed down stories from past generations, but do we know the "original" story? I think it's very intriguing to compare what I already know, or what I thought I knew, to the "real" or "original" stories.

Introduction to a Pilot's World

Hello everyone!

My name is Austin Freeman and I'm a senior this year graduating in May. I'm 22 years old. I graduated from Mustang High School in 2011.

I'm majoring in Aviation Management with a minor in General Business. By far the coolest thing about my major is that I get to fly for some of my classes instead of having to sit in a classroom all day!

(Image Info: Personal photo from Norman, OK; September 2013)

Flying over campus coming in to land at Westheimer.

I'm not much of a reader but I do tend to binge watch a series on Netflix when I get the chance. Some of my favorite TV shows are American Horror Story, Parks and Recreation, Scandal, Revenge & How To Get Away With Murder. I also really enjoy documentaries.

My two favorite movies right now are probably Gravity and Interstellar. It would be AMAZING to go to space and I would go in a heartbeat if given the chance!

As for music I have a fairly diverse library. Music is a big part of my life and I'm always looking for new artists and songs to listen to! If I listen to a song and like it then I'll download it. I don't hold myself to one genre. Although, I am a HUGE Adele fan and I was lucky enough to get front row tickets to see her in Miami and I'm beyond excited about that! You would probably say I'm a concert addict. The list of concerts I've attended is a long one, and I've got a bunch of concerts I'm attending this year!

I didn't get to go anywhere exciting over break, but I did go to Vegas for Halloween and I got to see Britney for a third time! There's a little snippet of her in my favorite places post if you want to check that out! :)

At this point I'm not sure where I want to work after graduation exactly, but I do know I want to be flying and traveling the world.

(Image Info: Personal photo from Norman, OK; August 2013)

The day I received my Pilot's license.

I currently don't have any pets, yet. Although, my family is friends with a breeder that breeds silver labs and I have one in the next litter. As soon as I get him I'll be sure to post pics! In the meantime though, my roommate just got a golden retriever puppy and I babysit him all the time. He is SO adorable!

 (Image Info: Personal photo from Norman, OK; February 2016)

Hello. It's me, Scout.

One thing most people think is interesting about my fa
mily is that we drag race. My family owns a drag race team and our driver, Erica Enders-Stevens, has won the World Championship the past two years! The first ever female to win a championship in the Pro Stock Class! She made history again this year by being the first female to win two Pro Stock Championships. Our team is expanding this year, adding three more drivers so that's something we're looking forward to going into the 2016 season!

(Image Info: Personal photo from Las Vegas; October 2015)

The whole crew and family after Erica won the race in Vegas, clinching the championship for the second consecutive year! (I'm in there somewhere.)

That's all I can think to post for now! Looking forward to a great semester and meeting all of you!

Week 1 Storytelling: Diddle and his Imagination

HEY! diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle, 
The cow jumped over the moon; 
The little dog laugh'd 
To see the sport, 
While the dish ran after the spoon. 

(Traditional nursery rhyme)


There was once a boy named Diddle. He lived on a farm in rural Nebraska. His head was always in the clouds day dreaming of a place where all of his animal friends could talk and play with him. His parents always told him his thoughts were nonsense, and that he needed to focus on working the farm so he could take it over one day. Even though his parents tried and tried to keep him grounded, it never worked. He continued to daydream and hope that one day he would prove to them all that his dreams were real.

(Boy on a Farm)

Late one night he was suddenly awoken by a faint voice outside his window saying, "Hey Diddle, Diddle!" He jumped out of bed to see who was there, but the only thing he saw was his cat sitting by the hay stacks staring up at his bedroom window. He heard the voice again, "Hey Diddle, Diddle!" He thought to himself, "I know I shouldn't go out late at night by myself, but I have to see who is calling my name."

He walked out on the back porch and waited for the voice again. Minutes went by, still nothing. He decided to call out, "Hello, is anyone there?" All of a sudden his cat jumped out from behind a hay bale and exclaimed, "Hey Diddle, we've been waiting for you!" Diddle couldn't believe his eyes! His cat, Charlie, was sitting on a hay bale playing a fiddle! His emotions ran wild! He was frightened, ecstatic, shocked, and overcome with joy! His dreams had finally come true! One of his animals could talk, and not only talk, he could play the fiddle!

He ran out into the yard to see if any of his other animal friends had changed. His favorite cow, Bessie, began dancing around. She told him how long they had waited to reveal themselves and how happy they were to finally be able to open up to him. Bessie was so excited that night she did something no cow had done before, she jumped over the moon! Not everyone believed that Bessie jumped the moon that night. Even Diddle's dog, Simon, laughed at the thought of Bessie making it over the moon. Simon was always jealous because he wanted Diddle all to himself. Even though some didn't believe Diddle knew what happened because he saw Bessie make it over the moon.

The next day Diddle was doing his afternoon chores still thinking about all he had witnessed the night before. He was so happy and couldn't wait for his parents to get home so he could tell them the good news over dinner. His parents were running late and his mother had called and asked him to set the table before they returned. He was just about finished setting the table when, BANG! He heard a loud noise in the kitchen. He ran to the kitchen to see what happened and was greeted by one his mothers expensive spoons from the cabinet he wasn't allowed to open. The spoon said, "Diddle you cannot tell anyone about the things you have recently learned! If you do, Mr. Dish will catch me and if that happens very bad things will happen to all of us! Please! I'm begging you! DO NOT tell anyone what you have witnessed!" Diddle was so scared that he promised before he even had time to think! He then watched as Mr. Dish chased the spoon back to his home. Diddle was sad he had to keep all of this a secret, but he knew that he would always have these special friends. Even if no one else knew, he knew.

Author's Note: I had always heard this nursery rhyme growing up, but I always thought it was too short and left too much to the imagination. For example, why was a cat playing a fiddle? How did a cow jump over the moon? Why would a dish be chasing after a spoon? Most importantly, what is diddle? Is it a person, a nickname, or just slang? So I thought it would make sense to make up a boy named Diddle and tell the story of how his imagination could sometimes get the better of him.

Bibliography: This story is based on the nursery rhyme "Hey! diddle, diddle" in The Nursery Rhyme Book, edited by Andrew Lang (1897).

Monday, January 11, 2016

My Favorite Places

Picking one place in the world I would consider "my favorite" is a hard choice to make. So I narrowed my favorite places down to three. Honolulu, Las Vegas & Nassau.

Honolulu, Hawaii. I just visited Honolulu for the first time in August 2015. Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on earth. From the beaches, craters, bays, and Pearl Harbor it is easily one of my favorite places.

(Image Info: Personal photo from Hanauma Bay; August 2015)

We went snorkeling one morning in Hanauma Bay.

(Image Info: Personal photo from Koko Head Crater; August 2015)

We hiked Koko Head Crater and it was not easy! 1106 steps on old railroad ties. 

(Image Info: Personal photo from Diamond Head Crater; August 2015)

My mom and I after we hiked Diamond Head Crater, Honolulu in the background.

Las Vegas, Nevada. I've been to Vegas around five times now and I can't wait to go back! I don't necessarily love to gamble I just love walking the strip, people watching, and taking in the city. Also, I've seen Britney three times now and I would see her again in a heartbeat! :)

The strip at night: Vegas

(Video Info: Personal video from Las Vegas; October 2015)

Here's a little snippet of Britney the last time I saw her.

Nassau, Bahamas. As you can see from all of my favorite places I love warm weather. Whether it's the desert or a beach I really enjoy the heat. I've visited Atlantis in the Bahamas three times now and if I could move there tomorrow I would. The water is crystal clear, the locals are friendly, and the beaches are perfect. What more could you ask for?

(Image Info: Personal photo from Nassau, Bahamas; January 2014)

Sunset picture over Nassau.

(Image Info: Personal photo from Nassau, Bahamas; January 2014)

View from our room.