Sunday, February 21, 2016

Thoughts about Comments

Reading through the comments I've received so far I've noticed that almost everyone has gotten better at writing comments as the semester has progressed. I think starting out no one really knew what to say, but with the practice and prompts we've been given I think it has helped all of us to leave comments with more substance.

I personally enjoy the comments on my introduction the most. I also enjoy reading others introductions a lot. I feel like the introductions give everyone a good background into each others lives. When people can relate to things in my introduction or vice versa it automatically creates a bond. I love reading about others interests and lives!

The comments that are the most helpful are the ones that pose questions or that give advice on how to expand a story or how to better explain certain parts of a story. Those definitely help with edits I need to make or how to expand if I wanted to use my story for something else.

The comments that really speak to me are the ones when people tell me they really relate to my story. I love writing stories that touch other people in some way and make them realize things they may not have realized before.

So far I think I've been doing a good job on the commenting. I'm learning more as I go and I plan to continue to get better. Practice makes perfect, and the prompts for writing comments are a good base to start with.

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