Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Week 12 Reading Diary: Alice in Wonderland

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865).

Down the Rabbit-Hole
  • Alice was bored and tired of sitting next to her sister
  • A rabbit ran by her, exclaimed it was late, checked its watch in its pocket
  • Alice thought it was strange so she followed the rabbit
  • She saw it go in a rabbit hole so she followed it
  • Before she knew it she was falling
  • She fell what seemed like forever
  • The fall finally ended and Alice plopped down unharmed
  • She hopped up and saw the rabbit again running down a passage so she followed him
  • He turned a corner and when she reached the corner he was gone and there was a long passage of doors
  • Every door was locked
  • She came upon a table that had a key
  • She finally found a small door behind a curtain that the key fit
  • She couldn't fit so she went back to the table
  • There was a bottle labeled DRINK ME, so she did
  • She shrunk to a size that could fit through the door
  • She then realized she forgot the key on the table and couldn't reach it
  • She found a box with cake that said, EAT ME, so she did
  • She grew larger and grabbed the key and went to the door
  • She now couldn't fit though the door
  • She cried
Advice from a Caterpillar
  • Alice peeks on top of a large mushroom and sees a caterpillar smoking hookah
  • The caterpillar asked who she was
  • Alice was confused, she didn't know who she was anymore
  • The caterpillar made her angry
  • He made her repeat a story
  • She told him she wished to be larger
  • He got up and left and said as he was leaving that one side of the mushroom would make her grow and the other side would make her shrink
  • She broke off a piece from both sides and ate one, she started to shrink
  • She then ate some of the other piece and her neck grew longer and longer
  • She could no longer see her feet or hands
  • She began to use her long neck to try and reach her hands
  • A pigeon ran into her and began slapping her with his wings calling her a serpent
  • She finally got to her hands and ate a little of each piece until she was back to her normal size
  • She then came upon a house that was too small so she ate a little of one piece until she was small enough
Pig and Pepper
  • There came a fish that knocked on the door and a frog answered
  • They exchanged words and Alice laughed
  • She hid in the woods so that they wouldn't see her
  • The fish left and she went to knock on the door
  • The frog told her it was no use cause he was outside and no one inside could hear her
  • She kept asking how to get in and he kept repeating himself
  • She finally went in and found a lady with a baby and a cook stirring a cauldron
  • The kitchen was filled with smoke

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