Sunday, January 24, 2016

Growth Mindset

Before this assignment I had never heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset, but I definitely agree with some of the things she had to say. 
When it comes to doing things I enjoy I don't mind a challenge. When it's something I don't necessarily enjoy or I'm not interested in then I'm more inclined to give up and say that I don't understand it. I've always been a very visual and hands on type of learner. I have to be given examples or have someone guide me through the steps to really grasp a concept. Though, once I understand the process I have it down. I'm not an auditory learner at all, never have been. Explaining something to me by talking will not work. You can tell me how to do something one hundred times, but I won't understand it until I actually see it taking place.
I definitely look forward to learning more about the growth mindset this semester. I think that it's something that is needed desperately in our society right now. In middle school and high school we are taught how to take tests and we learn exactly what is on those tests. We don't actually learn much of anything that will help us in the future because the schools and administrators are worried about test scores. If the test scores are bad they're jobs could be at risk. It's a messed up system, but I think there is a way to fix it. Carol Dweck has some great ideas when it comes to the Growth Mindset and I'm looking forward to learning more this semester.

I like this image because none of us like to be uncomfortable, but if we don't ever step out of our comfort zone we won't get to experience and enjoy life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Austin!
    I'm a huge fan of Carol Dweck's growth mindset philosophy. The ideas that she presented really described me such as giving up on challenges that don't interest me. I like how she said that we should praise effort instead of intelligence. I feel like praising effort encourages students to take on challenges. We're definitely on the same boat about being visual learners. I am not an auditory learner AT ALL! It sometimes irritates people that I have to see something done rather than understanding it the first time around, but it's just how I learn! I hope you continue to explore more of the growth mindset challenges!
