Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Storybook Favorites

Picking three storybooks from the hundreds available was a difficult task! There were so many different types over so many different topics. The three that really caught my eye were "I Was A Teenage Mythological Creature", "Greek Goddesses on Trial", and "Fairytale Case Files".

I thought the game show idea in the storybook, I Was A Teenage Mythological Creature, was a very interesting and new way to present mythological creatures. I would've never thought to present mythological creatures in this way, but it makes sense. Pitting these creatures against each other is an excellent way not only get to know each character individually, but also connecting them all in a sense. Sharing their diary posts makes it more personal, which makes it easier for the audience to relate to the characters.

I also like the idea of putting goddesses on trial like in the storybook, Greek Goddesses on Trial. It's a very comical way to tell the stories of these Greek goddesses "crimes". Another interesting idea was to have the court scribe tell the story. It's like you are actually in the courtroom witnessing the trial, instead of reading it like a typical book in paragraph format.

I opened the Fairytale Case Files storybook because of the words "Case Files". I used to love watching shows such as Cold Case Files and Snapped, so I thought from the title that this storybook would probably be one I would enjoy. Turns out I was right. Yet another interesting way to go about sharing the stories of old fairy tales. Using a detective and making it a mystery type of story already grabs my attention. I mean, who doesn't like a good mystery?

Another storybook I liked, mostly because it involved flying, was Delays and Layovers: Trials of Travel. I would really like to associate my storybook with flying in some way.


  1. I am so glad you picked Fairytale Case Files: that is from a year before last, and the student who did that project is back again this semester in Indian Epics, so I am excited to see what she will do in that class: another crime-style Storybook... or something different. The different styles you looked at here are all really flexible ones that can be applied to lots of possible topics, so you might want to have those in mind as you start brainstorming topics for a project later on in Week 2!

  2. Thank you so much for picking my storybook! I loved twisting classic fairytales into a crime scene! I hope you enjoy the class and coming up with your own story!
