Sunday, January 24, 2016

Learning Challenges

The topics that interest me the most are time management/procrastination for school and work. I think we all struggle with procrastination. Also happiness/health and empathy are topics in life that interest me as well. 

Time management is always an issue in our lives. The one thing everyone learns in college is time management. As a young adult I find myself constantly trying to figure out how I'm going to balance sleep, classes, studying, work, eating well, exercising, maintaining relationships, and having a social life. It's a difficult task, especially when you question at times if you're just wasting your life away to get by. Obviously we all have obligations, but we need to remember to save some time for our ourselves. Set some time aside to do the things we enjoy doing, but are not obligated to do.

When it comes to happiness and health I think these go hand in hand. When you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside. I know I'm always trying to eat healthier and work out more, but sometimes it's very difficult. It's so easy to eat unhealthy when you have all these fast options that are open around the clock. I'm always happiest when I feel good inside and out, and that's something I know I'll always have to work on.
Empathy is a big one as well. I've noticed that most people are so quick to judge others and voice their opinions of how they think others should live their lives. I'm not perfect either, but one thing I've always tried to work on is putting myself in others shoes before making any judgements. Sometimes it's a hard thing to do, but I think it's something we should all work on.

I think this picture has a good message. We all get caught up on what has already happened or whats to come, but we need to enjoy what's happening right now in our lives.

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