Sunday, January 10, 2016

Comment Wall

Welcome to my Blog!

This live performance gives me chills. She is flawless!


  1. This is a really well written introduction! I love Greek mythology and am familiar with many of the characters so it was fun to read about them in a different light. It is interesting that Zeus is “a very powerful man,” but does not have the ability to fly.
    I really like the theme and setup of your storybook. The pictures go well with the neutral color scheme of your storybook site. I also like the way you separated each paragraph; I think this format is a lot easier for the reader’s eyes.
    I am curious to see how your storybook unfolds and whom ultimately helps Zeus reach his goal of flying. My bet is on Pegasus… But it will be cool to learn about the other contenders as well! I’m not sure I know much about Icarus.
    Keep up the good work! I really like the creativity and originality of this storybook idea.

  2. Hey Austin!
    I hope you have had a great semester thus far.
    I really enjoyed reading your introduction. Right after I read your title I was intrigued to know what your Storybook was going to be about. I was completely wrong by the way. I thought the way you set up the characters and the storyline was really interesting. I know a little bit about the people you described and I can't wait to read what your characters will do next. I like that Zeus is on a journey do the one thing he has always wanted to do. It gives the reader something to wait and hold on to... that end goal. Since you have the story set up the way you do, you are basically telling the reader they will have to read all the way through to find out the answer. This is a really smart way to do this. It will definitely make me want to come back and read them.
    You did a really nice job with this introduction!

  3. Hi Austin! I really like the layout of your blog! I love how your background is noticeable, but not too bold. I also love how your font compliments your background nicely.

  4. Hello! Austin! I think you are storybook is going to be great. I mean even the title is so unique! Adventure of flight! I was not sure what your storybook was going to be about just from that title, but it surely attracted my attention. I think your front page is so nicely organized and I love the picture of yours for front page! Birds quickly reminds me of flying! That was such a great choice of the picture. Then I looked into your storybook introduction, and I could tell that you were going to write about Greek mythology! How exciting! I am doing the storybook project over Greek mythology as well. Your storybook is definitely something I would read in the future. Keep up the good work! And moreover, it was interesting how you would not only talk about birds, but also anything that could have flied in the Greek mythology. I have never thought about that subject but there are a lot of character that can fly in Greek mythology for sure, such as Icarus!

  5. Austin I really love the wood in your background. It gives your blog a nice feel.

  6. Hey, I just wanted to say that I really like how you set up your blog. The wood background makes it very simple yet soothing at the same time!

  7. Your descriptions are great! Describing the time of day, how nervous they were, and their other emotions. It really helps improve your story. It adds images in the readers head as well.

    Its a shame that Icarus did the one thing he was told not to. In his defense though I would also be pretty excited if I could fly. I really like how you changed the being of the story. The competition set was really cleaver. It fit into the rest of the story very well.

    I wonder what the other two competitor had in store? Did they also make a form of wings to fly? I am curious to see what they had. Maybe if they also presented then Icarus presented last. It would be interesting to have more completion. Icarus could even win the completion by his mighty wings. Then maybe the dining part would be as terrible.

  8. OMGGGG who doesn't love Adele? This woman has so much fire in her soul and all she has to do is sing some notes for the world to hear. Her songs are always on my playlist for soul music. I love she is able to portray her life experiences into her songs. A live performance of Adele was a great choice!

  9. I absolutely love this song from Adele. I really like all of her music that I have heard so far. She sings with so much passion. I like that you chose a live performance. It really showcases her talent. I hope you are having a great semester so far. Enjoy the rest of Spring Break.

  10. This is my favorite song from Adele for sure. Even though I am a guy, anyone can get down to some Adele and that beautiful voice of hers. I actually remembering watching this exact video in the SNL full episode and thought this was definitely one of better live performances they have had!

  11. Hi Austin,

    I am so happy you included this video on your comment wall of Adele! I absolutely love this song and I had not yet seen this performance! I agree, it gives chills! I will also admit that I am the only one of my roommates home right now and I definitely turned up the sound on my laptop all the way and just took a moment to listen to it. Thanks for making my night!

  12. I really love the concept for your storybook. You've created a really great frametale that captured my attention. I like the characters that you have chosen and look forward to reading Icarus' story in a moment. Thus far, great job!

    Wow, you made the story of Icarus work perfectly within your storybook. I love how you had to crowd push him towards flying higher and higher. It is a completely believable situation (if the wings actually worked). What young man would not get swept up in the exhilaration of flying in front of a crowd? Well done on maintaining the heart of Icarus while making it entirely your own and fitting it to your needs. I cannot wait to read the next two stories!

    Overall I just really enjoy your concept. I also did not see many spelling or grammar mistakes so well done on that but it is always a good idea to continue editing. Your story was easy to read and flowed well and your style captures me. Well done overall!

  13. Hey Austin! I am glad that I chose to read your Storybook this week! I think it has a really great premise and I can’t wait to read the ending later on this semester. Your introduction did a great job prepping the readers for what all was to come and sucked me right in! I liked your use of Greek mythology, one of my personal favorites. I think that you also did a good job presenting what would be happening throughout the other stories. Both stories were really well written and great perspective on the main characters. I have always loved Icarus’ tale particularly because it has such a great moral! Perseus is a very well-known hero through Greek myths and you tied him in perfectly to your flight competition! I also liked the photos of the competitors on the different stories because it gives the readers something to help with their imaginations. Can’t wait to read more!

  14. Hey Austin! I really like the competition-style format for your Storybook--and that fact that the competition is for the first ever flight is a really interesting spin on the idea! There were all sorts of nods in these stories to different aspects of Greek and Roman culture, too--from Zeus, to the name Kilo for your city, to the actual backgrounds of the heroes from your stories. I did think, though, that it might be interesting to hear of what happened to Perseus after it came out that he was showing Hermes' sandals--maybe you would consider putting that in the next story, even just as an aside? But other than that I liked your characters--your characterization of Icarus in his story was spot on, I think--and I enjoyed your writing style! Good luck for the rest of your semester!

  15. Hey Austin! Coming back to read your Storybook again, boy am I glad that I did! Your stories are still incredible and I still love the overall concept. Paying specific attention to the last story on Pegasus, I think you did a great job. Pegasus is one of my favorite mythological creatures so I was thrilled to see he was a part of your flying stories. Anytime I read about him I always imagine the animated version from Disney’s Hercules movie! I think that your Author’s Note also captured some of the needed information for people who have less knowledge on Greek mythology to really understand this story. Your picture at the end was great too and added another imagery element to let the reader see what you were trying to describe, especially since I always think of the animated version! I think you did a really good job with your theme and congrats on completing your stories!

  16. Hi Austin! I decided to come back to your storybook again for my free reading this week. It is coming along fantastically! I read Perseus today (I am leaving Pegasus for next week) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I still cannot get over how creative your frametale is in general, and you are really continuing it well. I liked how you had Zeus take a few weeks off of the competition for mourning. It made what happened to Icarus feel more real and hurtful and the rest of the characters easier to relate with. I also thought that the note you had Zeus right was pretty accurate to a note that someone would write in the situation so well done on that as well. It'd be interesting to have a side story of the court battle if you have the time for that this semester. Even if you do not though, your storybook is looking like it will be a rich creation all its own. Well done so far and keep it up!

  17. Austin,
    I chose your storybook as my free choice this week and was pleasantly surprised. I am surprised I have not stumbled across this any sooner; the name finally caught my eye and I dove in to read your creativity. I like the feel of your storybook and the colors you chose for it, it all seems to just feel right. Your stories far are all awesome and very interesting. I can't wait to come back again and read what else you have added. Good luck with the rest of your semester.

  18. Hey again Austin!
    I remember reading your introduction a while ago. Your introduction got me hooked and I loved it! I couldn’t wait to read your stories afterwards. It was such a different style and it was very creative.
    I liked the layout but I wish your paragraphs were laid out a little differently. Maybe a little more space between the paragraphs, especially with including the talking parts in the paragraph.
    I have read a lot of Greek mythology and so reading this story was a treat for me. It was so exciting and different for me to read this because it wasn’t what I expected it to be like.
    Your introduction definitely didn’t let me down when I read it. It met all of the expectations I was looking for in the intro. I can’t wait to read the rest of them and see how the rest of it plays out. I loved it!
