Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Introduction to a Pilot's World

Hello everyone!

My name is Austin Freeman and I'm a senior this year graduating in May. I'm 22 years old. I graduated from Mustang High School in 2011.

I'm majoring in Aviation Management with a minor in General Business. By far the coolest thing about my major is that I get to fly for some of my classes instead of having to sit in a classroom all day!

(Image Info: Personal photo from Norman, OK; September 2013)

Flying over campus coming in to land at Westheimer.

I'm not much of a reader but I do tend to binge watch a series on Netflix when I get the chance. Some of my favorite TV shows are American Horror Story, Parks and Recreation, Scandal, Revenge & How To Get Away With Murder. I also really enjoy documentaries.

My two favorite movies right now are probably Gravity and Interstellar. It would be AMAZING to go to space and I would go in a heartbeat if given the chance!

As for music I have a fairly diverse library. Music is a big part of my life and I'm always looking for new artists and songs to listen to! If I listen to a song and like it then I'll download it. I don't hold myself to one genre. Although, I am a HUGE Adele fan and I was lucky enough to get front row tickets to see her in Miami and I'm beyond excited about that! You would probably say I'm a concert addict. The list of concerts I've attended is a long one, and I've got a bunch of concerts I'm attending this year!

I didn't get to go anywhere exciting over break, but I did go to Vegas for Halloween and I got to see Britney for a third time! There's a little snippet of her in my favorite places post if you want to check that out! :)

At this point I'm not sure where I want to work after graduation exactly, but I do know I want to be flying and traveling the world.

(Image Info: Personal photo from Norman, OK; August 2013)

The day I received my Pilot's license.

I currently don't have any pets, yet. Although, my family is friends with a breeder that breeds silver labs and I have one in the next litter. As soon as I get him I'll be sure to post pics! In the meantime though, my roommate just got a golden retriever puppy and I babysit him all the time. He is SO adorable!

 (Image Info: Personal photo from Norman, OK; February 2016)

Hello. It's me, Scout.

One thing most people think is interesting about my fa
mily is that we drag race. My family owns a drag race team and our driver, Erica Enders-Stevens, has won the World Championship the past two years! The first ever female to win a championship in the Pro Stock Class! She made history again this year by being the first female to win two Pro Stock Championships. Our team is expanding this year, adding three more drivers so that's something we're looking forward to going into the 2016 season!

(Image Info: Personal photo from Las Vegas; October 2015)

The whole crew and family after Erica won the race in Vegas, clinching the championship for the second consecutive year! (I'm in there somewhere.)

That's all I can think to post for now! Looking forward to a great semester and meeting all of you!


  1. Hey again, Austin! I already told my husband (a pilot) that I had a pilot in the class: you are the first Aviation person in all the many (10+) years I've been teaching at OU... and drag-racing: that is so exciting! I could never be a pilot (I am scared of heights), but I am still a fan of science fiction of all kinds. And now we just need Adele to do a theme song for a science fiction movie and the world would be perfect! James Bond should not be the only movie franchise to get all the great singers for the theme songs ha ha. Adele: Skyfall ... anyway, thank you again for getting started early with the class, and I hope you will have fun with it — and I am really curious what you will want to do for your class project! :-)

  2. Hmmm, I better try that link again; it's some kind of weird page: when I was looking at it, Adele was on there (she's #4... in the top 5)... this link shows whole list I think: James Bond theme songs, ranked at Rolling Stone

  3. Hi Austin, my name is Claire and it is so nice to meet you! WOW that's so fun that you get to fly! I have a friend in that program and he loves it! I would love to be in a plane and seeing the world instead of sitting in a classroom for hours upon hours. I bet you'll have a well traveled life by the time that you are older! Also, learning about how your family owns a drag race team! That is so incredibly awesome! I keep on telling my friends that we need to make it to the racetrack at least one time in our lives to experience the liveliness of it! That is so incredible that y'all are doing so well and I wish you all the luck in the future!

  4. Hey Austin! Congrats on your pilot's license! That is an amazing accomplishment and a great profession to be in. I heard flying is one of the most relaxing things to do and I am sure you will never be bored with it. I am excited to see pictures of your silver lab, they are some of the prettiest animals I have ever seen and labs are so intelligent! You will love having that dog, a great companion. Congrats to your driver! I love seeing women setting records lol. That is such a fun thing to be involved in and I hope you get to stay involved for a long time!

  5. Nice to meet you Austin!
    That's so cool that you have a pilot license! I wish I could fly planes instead of being stuck in a classroom all day. Was it terrifying to fly at first? I can't imagine flying a plane all by myself, but congratulations to you! Interstellar was a beautiful movie. I really admire the astronauts that travel to space. I wish I could go to space just to see the Earth from the outside. I heard it was a phenomenal experience. That's incredible that your entire family participate in drag racing! I know my older brother is a huge fan of racing. Once again congratulations on winning the championship! You seem to be a very well-rounded person. Keep up the hobbies and activities!

  6. Hey! Sounds like a pretty awesome major! I bet flying would be really fun, however, I could definitely not do that I don’t do too well with flying. I can definitely relate to binge watching on Netflix. I just started How To Get Away With Murder and I’m absolutely obsessed with it, and I’ve been watching Scandal for awhile. Sounds like you had a great time in Vegas! I’ve never been but I’ve always wanted to.

  7. Hi Austin! It is so nice to meet you. Congrats on your pilot’s license! I think we have a lot of things in common! I also like traveling a lot and I love to visit a new places and new countries. Flying planes instead sitting in the classroom all day that amazing I wish I could do that. I am also a big Adele fan and I watch too much movies as well when I get the chance. I went to Vegas last summer and I had really great time over there.

  8. Hi Austin! Congratulations on your pilot's license! That is incredible! I love looking at your photo of flying above campus, but I have to admit that I'd be a little scared to take on that much responsibility myself! I'm sure all of the hard work is absolutely worth it though!

    As for seeing Britney in Vegas...wow, I am so jealous! I just got back from Vegas right before school started and now I feel that I missed out on a childhood dream! :)

  9. Hi and wow! Austin. Your introduction was full of exciting things. Those are great photos of yours and I really like your photo of your professional driver for your family. Race is really cool, and I think it is wonderful that your family have a race team. It is so cool you have a pilot license as well. Great introduction!

  10. Nice to meet you Austin! First of all, you have like probably the most interesting life ever! How awesome that you have your pilots license and also that your family owns a stock car team. My aunt and grandfather used to enter some drag races, unfortunately by the time I arrived they had retired from that. I wish I could've seen it, I've heard stories about how exciting the races are! I am so jealous that you got to see Adele perform, and also Britney!

  11. Hi Austin! It was great to hear so many interesting things about you! It's really cool and unique that your family owns a drag racing team. I know it's nothing like it, but one of my favorite movies is Talladega Nights. I also love to binge watch shows on netflix! Parks and Rec is always great, and I'm watching a series now called Reign. I hope you have a great rest of your semester!

  12. I so wish that I could fly a plane instead of having to go to class sometimes! I love Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder as well! I didn't think I would at first, but now I'm a totally addict. Scout is so cute! And I'm sure your new silver lab will be super cute as well, they look so unique!

  13. Hi! I have a few friends that went to Mustang High School! It's so cool that you get to fly around instead of sitting in class. It's so cool that you've been to see Adele live... I bet she was awesome. She seems so cool. Oh my gosh! Can I have one of those adorable puppies as well!! I've never wanted a dog as much as I have this semester, but I don't have time to take care of them, sadly....

  14. Hey Austin,

    It is such a small world haha, you are the second person I have seen in this class from Mustang. I graduated from Mustang in 2013, a few years after you, but still means we went there at the same time. I think it is awesome you have your pilot's license and get to fly around instead of sitting in boring lecture classes. I am jealous you have gotten to see Adele live, that had to be amazing, right?

  15. Hi Austin! That is so cool that you are an aviation major. My mom actually used to be a flight attendant for American Airlines and she still gets benefits from them, so I've basically grown up in airports my whole life. Isn't flying the coolest thing ever?! I am SUPER jealous that you got front row tickets to see Adele. How was it? Does she sound as great in person as she does on her albums? Also, congratulations on almost graduating! That is a huge accomplishment!

  16. Hey Austin, I really like your page! I love the wood background, which makes it very different but not too much that its overwhelming. That is pretty interesting and cool that you drag race. I know a few people that do it and they absolutely love it. I think its a unique hobby for sure. I have a golden retriever who is 3 years old! Your picture of your roommates golden, Scout, was awesome. They are definitely fun dogs to have/take care of! They are like having a human baby.

  17. Hi Austin, your blog is really cool! It's awesome that you're a pilot! Flying is so much fun when you're a passenger, so I figure it must be way more fun when you're actually flying the plane! Interstellar is definitely one of my favorite movies. I've watched it so many times and it never gets old!
    Scout is adorable. I always wanted a golden retriever growing up and will hopefully get one after I graduate!

  18. Hi Austin! Congrats on earning your pilot's license. I'm sure you have the best views from up there. I think the drag racing is awesome! I grew up around racing. Not drag racing, but my dad used to race Modified and Super Modified at the Fairgrounds. I never raced, but I got to take the car for a spin a few times out at Lake Draper. Lots of fun. Good Luck with the rest of your semester.

  19. Austin,
    That's awesome you are a pilot and congratulations on making it official and getting your license. I have always had an interest with flying, but have never received the opportunity to experience first had in the pilots perspective. I also think drag racing is very cool too though I have not watched it much at all, I can only imagine how thrilling and adrenaline pumping it can be when it is experienced live! Good luck in your future.

  20. Hey Austin! I think that it is super cool that you get to fly for some of your classes and that view of campus is awesome! I am from Mustang as well, but I went to Bishop McGuinness for high school. Scout looks adorable and seems to be very lucky to have two great people taking care of him! I would be stealing him all the time…

  21. Hey Austin,
    It’s nice to meet you. I am visiting your blog from the Epic’s course. I hope to read a few of your stories. Congratulations on earning your pilot’s license. I believe you are the first aviation major I have met. You have a lot of interesting hobbies. Drag racing is also exciting you will never be bored! Have a great rest of the semester.

  22. Hi Austin! I have to admit that I'd never heard of a silver lab before I googled them a minute ago, but now I'm decidedly jealous! AND you get to babysit a golden retriever--it's just not fair! Anyway, congratulations on your pilot's license--are you planning to stick with a private one or eventually upgrade? I had the pleasure of taking Intro to Aviation last semester, and it was awesome! I've always been fascinated by planes and how they work, and that class's work was very different from the work I do in my other classes so it was a nice change (also a challenge, because I hate memorizing tables so airspace nearly killed me. Lol). Also, music is a huge part of my life as well, and it's always great to meet other people who just like to listen to the stuff they like to listen to and don't worry about genre...

  23. Hi Austin! Wow, it is so cool that you are a pilot. I am quite jealous of your view from class! How did you get started with flying? Did you have any experience before college or did you just jump right in during college? I have always wanted to learn to fly but have been too afraid (and broke) to do so. So way to go for going for your dream! Good luck with the end of your college career and moving forward into life!
